Four Stages of Foundation Wall Failure
I’ll admit it – I’m a bit of a procrastinator. Whether it’s a pile of laundry waiting to be folded or putting off that annoying dentist appointment, sometimes it’s easy to let things slide.
But when it comes to foundation damage, ignoring the issue isn’t just a harmless habit. Foundation problems worsen slowly over time, and what starts as a small crack in your basement walls can escalate to full-blown foundation collapse if you don’t address it.
Read more about the stages of wall failure, their causes, and how to fix them before it’s too late.
Stage 1: Horizontal Cracking
These cracks pop up in the middle of walls and can get worse over time. If your walls are built from cinder blocks, keep an eye out for these horizontal cracks around the middle of the walls. Place a pencil in the crack, if you notice the pencil falling in deeper over time this is a reason for concern and a sign to reach out for help!
Stage 2: Stair-Step Cracking
Stair-step cracks usually start where walls meet and are a sign that pressure is causing the walls to shift a bit. These cracks often follow the lines between bricks or blocks because the wall begins to give out in the joints of the wall. As stair-step cracking appears, there is a greater risk of moisture and water affecting the safety and air quality of your basement.
Stage 3: Bottom Shear/Bowing
If you notice the bottom of a wall pulling away from the floor or bulging inward, that is shearing and bowing in action. This is a sign your foundation walls are being impacted by serious pressure, often due to saturated soils behind basement walls. Bowing continually gets worse over time and requires a permanent stabilization system to repair.
Stage 4: Foundation Wall Failure
Ignoring earlier signs can result in complete wall failure, which is not only unsafe but also more expensive to repair. Small cracks may take several years to progress into full-blown wall failure, often developing slowly and being hard to detect. Therefore, it's crucial to be on the lookout for early signs of foundation damage to prevent potentially serious future damage.
What causes wall failure?

Clay-based soils: Clay soil is kind of like a sponge - it swells up when wet and shrinks when it dries out, putting pressure on foundation walls. This cycle repeats each time it rains and snows, wet soil pushes on the walls creating gaps when the soil dries out again. Over time, walls struggle to bear the weight of the home, leading to cracks and structural issues.
Hydrostatic pressure: When clay soils become saturated with water, they exert hydrostatic pressure against foundation walls. This pressure increases with the amount of water in the soil, eventually causing cracks or even wall failure if not managed.
Weather: Heavy rain fills clay soils with water, causing them to swell and increase pressure on foundations. Freezing temperatures expand water in the soil as it freezes, putting additional stress on foundation walls. These weather conditions can speed up foundation problems and lead to more serious issues if left unaddressed.
Don't wait!
- Check signs NOW Catching these issues early prevents them from getting worse and protects your home's value and safety.
- Prepare your home Installing drainage and waterproofing systems stops water buildup and keeps your foundations strong from the get-go.
How do you fix a failing wall?
Here at Thrasher, we offer multiple solutions to resolve foundation problems...
Wall Straps: When foundation problems are less severe, carbon fiber wall straps can be used to reinforce walls and stop inward movement. Carbon fiber is extremely strong and durable, able to correct minor cracks and stabilize your wall from further failure. This solution can also be easily painted or covered with drywall.
GeoLock: Wall anchors are installed into the surrounding soil to support walls and prevent further buckling, bowing, and cracking. This system is made of galvanized steel and can be tightened over time to straighten your walls over time and stabilize your home. We offer wall covers to help this system blend seamlessly with the rest of your basement.
PowerBrace: A system of steel I-beams to stabilize walls and prevent leaning, sliding, and caving. These beams are connected to the ceiling through joints and braces that can be tightened over time to straighten walls back to their original position.
EverBrace: This system of steel beams provides the security of a new foundation, so walls don't have to be fully replaced when major damage has occurred. The panels and beams are custom fit to your home and rigid foam is injected behind plates to fill any remaining voids. EverBrace transfers the load from the failing structure to the new, durable support panels.

Get help today!
Whether or not you notice the signs, it is crucial to understand the stages of basement wall collapse. If you are located in our service area, our team at Thrasher can repair your basement wall at any stage. Schedule a free estimate today to learn more to ensure your home stays sturdy!
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