Concrete Repair Services Photo Album: Patio and Driveway Repair in Grand Island, NE

Settled Patio in Grand Island, NE
Before photo of the concrete settling. You can see there is a large unsealed joint nearest the home, which could allow water into the home.

Settled Patio Before Photo
Before photo of the concrete settling. You can see there is a large unsealed joint nearest the home, which could allow water into the home.

Polylevel and NexusPro at work!
The Polylevel was injected into the concrete, allowing the concrete to rise back into place, even with the hot tub on top! Powerful stuff!

Polylevel and NexusPro at work!
NexusPro was used to fill that opened joint nearest the home. No more worries of water getting in through there!

Unsealed Joints on Driveway
This large drive way has a few spots where water could potentially get through the joints and washout the soil under, causing voids. Nexus Pro can fix that!

NexusPro Joint Sealant install
Up close and personal Nexus Pro install. This is used to fill in joints and cracks, to prevent any water to seep through.

Unsealed Joint by Side of Home - Grand Island, NE
Having an unsealed joint like this could cause water intrusion, especially with it along side of the home!

Nexus Pro Joint Sealant at work!
Another beautiful Nexus Pro job. Filling in this joint alongside the home gives much peace of mind to these homeowners. No more need to worry about water getting through this joint!

Large Unsealed Joint on Drive
Leaving joints like this one unsealed, can cause water to get through and cause washout. Overtime, the concrete slab can start to settle. NexusPro can fix this though!

Filled Joint on Drive
NexusPro is at play here. We use it to fill in any joints or cracks on the concrete. This can protect your concrete by not letting water get through!