Thrasher Foundation Repair Reviews and Ratings

Check out reviews and comments from our past customers.

Great! Cleaned up great. Gave a 10

Customer is very happy with the work. Said the guys went above and beyond. Definitely a 10/10 this time round

Everything went fine, no questions. Gave 9

Good! Everything went great! Those guys are real hard workers! That team leader worked like a tiger! Gave a 9. Very h...

Customer was very impressed with the guys, they did everything he wanted done and did it well. Said "that boy Josh, r...

Customer is very pleased with the work. Said the guys did a fantastic job. He has already set up an appt for a SDS to...

Customer is very happy with all the work and clean up. The guys did a good job.

Crew did great job. Felipe wanted it just the same way I wanted it. He did a great job and made it look the best he c...

Crew did a great job and clean up was very good. Waiting for some good rains to see how the system will work.

definitely quieter in the looking forward to running new test.

they could have gone with someone cheaper, but they wouldnt get the whole shabang and get it done the same way thrash...

water in basement

Guys did a good job. Communication was great with the crew - answered all his questions.

went fine

said everyone along the way has been great

driveway expansion joint

went fine

We're not able to repair hole cut in ceiling that was not used.


This kind of work is net inexpensive, but I feel the work you did was worth the price. Your people all took their job...

Thrasher Foundation Repair Average: 4.9 out of 5
Total Reviews: 3057