Thrasher Foundation Repair Before & After Photos

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Trip Hazard Concrete Repair in Lakewood, CO

Homeowner Scott was looking to solve his concrete problem as it was providing a trip hazard and problems for drainage. He wanted to add value to his home as well as improve his quality of life. Looking for this long-term solution, he decided to give us a call.

System Design Specialist Anthony Salcedo was able to come up with a solution for both of the homeowner’s problems. Using PolyLevel concrete leveling and NexusPro Joint Sealant, Anthony repaired and leveled the concrete so that there is no longer a trip hazard or poor drainage system at Scott's home.

Tripping Hazard in Ava, MO

This customer reached out to us because she had a tripping hazard on her walkway leading to her front door. The soil underneath the concrete was not compacted properly so it was creating voids, causing the concrete to sink. To fix this, we used PolyLevel to lift and level the concrete back to its original position and fill those voids to prevent it from happening again.

Settled Driveway in Andover, KS

This customer called us because they had a small area where the walkway and driveway had settled. They were worried about tripping hazards and knew they didn't want to go through the hassle of replacing the concrete. 

Our very own, Sheldon Sharp, went to the home to inspect the driveway and come up with a solution. Upon inspection, he found the water from the downspouts had caused voids underneath the garage approach, causing it to settle and crack. 

To fix this, we used PolyLevel to fill the void and lift the walkway in the garage approach. We then used NexusPro to fill in all the joints and cracks.

These customers were so happy we were able to fix their initial problem and also identify other areas of concern.

Concrete Repair at Horn Memorial Hospital

Horn Memorial Hospital reached out to us because they had several tripping hazards on the curb and sidewalk. To prevent anyone from getting hurt entering or exiting their clinic, they knew they had to fix it.

Corey Little visited the clinic to inspect and provide the best solution. He found the concrete on the sidewalk and curb were dropping, creating some toe catchers. The joints were unsealed and there was problematic soil beneath the concrete which contributes to these problems. 

To fix, our install team used PolyLevel to lift these sunken slabs. We then went in and caulked up our fix areas with NexusPro to make sure any moisture won't enter through the joints.

The job came out fantastic and the hospital can now feel better nobody will get injured walking in and out of the building.

Falling Seawall on the Platte River

This customer reached out to us because her seawall next to her yard and home was falling toward the lake. She didn't want to have to deal with the cost and hassle of replacing it if and when it fell all the way in.

When we performed an inspection, we concluded the seawall was falling toward the lake because it had no support on one side and a lot of pressure from the soil on the other. 

This isn't a typical job for us, but we are always happy to take on a challenge and solve a unique problem. To fix the wall, we installed GeoLock anchors to secure the wall on the side of the water. This will give that added support on the side that didn't have anything and will prevent the pressure from the soil from caving in. 

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Give us a call at 1-800-827-0702 or complete this form and we'll contact you shortly to schedule a Free Inspection, and you'll get a no-obligation written quote during our initial visit.
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