Foundation Repair Before & After Photos

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Foundation and Concrete Repair in Wellington, KS

Dennis & Almetta I. have owned their home in Wellington, KS for a long time. Years back, they added an addition to the home and were now facing settlement issues. They decided to call Thrasher to learn about foundation repair options.

System Design Specialist Josh Brown went out to their home for an inspection. He was able to identify that soil was being washed away due to poor drainage. Also, the footings for the addition were very shallow and that was causing stabilization issues. The crew installed PushPiers to stabilize the wall and lift the settled areas, fixing any future problems. We also lifted the interior concrete of their master bedroom with PolyLevel, getting rid of the trip hazard. The downspouts were also buried to prevent water from collecting around the foundation.

Foundation Repair in McPherson, KS

Kelly R. is a proud homeowner in McPherson, KS, and wanted to begin planning for retirement by maximizing the value of his home. Before making any home improvements of his own, he wanted to guarantee the foundation of the home was permanently stable. All four of the basement walls were experiencing wall failure, but some were much more severe than others. Kelly wasn’t sure where to begin looking for a solution, but after a quick Google search, he was immediately impressed by our reviews and extensive reputation. Without hesitation, Kelly gave us a call to provide a permanent solution for his damaged foundation.

To begin the foundation repair project, System Design Specialist Sean Robinson arrived in McPherson, KS to perform a full inspection on the home’s foundation. Sean determined the walls were failing due to constant hydrostatic pressure over a long period of time. Kelly chose to have Thrasher install GeoLock wall anchors for the more severe areas and our PowerBrace wall support system on the rest. The GeoLock wall anchors attach to stable external soil to slowly return the wall to its vertical structure over time. The PowerBrace permanently stabilizes the wall in its current position to ensure the safety of the homeowner.

Kelly was overjoyed with the outcome of the project. Not only was his foundation secure and prepared to stand the test of time, but he was impressed throughout the entirety of his Thrasher experience. Our teams were able to restore Kelly’s peace of mind and give him the confidence he needs to progress into retirement.

Foundation Repair and Waterproofing in Nemaha, IA

Brad T. is a homeowner in Nemaha, IA and was experiencing some issues with his foundation walls. The failing foundation was allowing water to seep in through the cracks and harming the living quality of the environment. The excess moisture was causing mold growth and a damp atmosphere in the basement. In search for a permanent solution, Brad gave Thrasher a call because of our reputation and excellent customer service.

System Design Specialist Jordan Comstock arrived at the home in Nemaha, IA to undergo a thorough inspection on the foundation walls. Jordan determined the walls were experiencing stage-two wall failure that was causing them to bow inward and allow water to infiltrate the space. In addition, water was also entering through the cold joints of a foundation add-on in the late 70’s. To combat these issues, Brad chose to have Thrasher install a combination of our waterproofing and foundation products. We began by applying our CleanSpace waterproof barrier to the full height of the foundation walls and a TripleSafe sump pump system to drain the water effectively. Then, our PowerBrace wall support system was installed to stabilize the bowing foundation.

Brad was thrilled to have his homes foundation issues repaired and a thing of the past. Thrasher was able to not only restore his foundation walls, but also his peace of mind knowing his basement is a safe place once again.

Foundation Crack Fixed in Americus, KS

David and Laura J. noticed that there was a forming outside on their foundation wall. Worried that the wall could pull away from the main home and cause more damage, they decided to call Thrasher to learn more about foundation repair solutions.

 The crew installed 5 helical piers to give the walls support and to close the foundation crack. After the 5 piers were installed, we went back and added another pier to give the wall more support and close the foundation crack even more.

Foundation Pier System in Thayer, MO

Gerald H. recently moved into his home in last year. He was aware that there could be possible problems with the foundation. He started to notice that the hallway floor from the garage was starting to become uneven the door was not longer closing properly. Ready to learn about foundation repair solutions, he gave us a call.

System Design Specialist Elliot Moles went out to Gerald’s home. He was able to see that the floors were uneven, and the door was sticking and came up with the solution of installing Push Piers. We installed three Push Piers to lift the hallway and bring the floors back to level. Gerald was extremely thrilled to have the floors level and didn’t realize how much of an impact this would have on his home.

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