Foundation Repair Before & After Photos

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Bowing Walls in Lohrville, IA Stabilized with Geo-Lock Wall Anchors

Longtime homeowner Marjorie A. was looking to pass her home on to her grandson. She wanted to make sure that the home’s foundation was in good condition and wouldn’t cause any problems for her grandson, she decided to give Thrasher a call.

We sent System Design Specialist Jon Young out to Marjorie’s home. He found that her foundation walls were bowing in. The crew installed Geo-Lock wall anchors to stabilize the walls. The anchors will permanently stabilize her basement walls, offering the best opportunity to straighten out the walls. Marjorie was extremely happy with the end result and was given a peace of mind.

Failing Walls in Shelton, NE Home Fully Stabilized

New homeowner Kelsie K. and her family recently moved into a new home. As they started doing renovations, they found a plumbing leak and as they started to remove the drywall, they found mold and wall cracks. Worried about the wall cracks and how this could impact their renovations, Kelsie decided to call Thrasher.

System Design Specialist Jeremey Scott went out to Kelsie’s home. He was able to see that two walls were bowing 2.5” and one of the walls were starting to shear. Using a mixture of wall solutions, we able to stabilize the walls using PowerBraces and lever brackets. C-Channel anchors were installed to protect the walls from further sheering. Kelsie and her family where extremely happy to have a peace of mind knowing their walls were fully stabilized.

Failing Walls in Bellevue, NE Saved

Kristina W. purchased her family home and is going to restore it. Before starting with the renovations, one of the foundation walls had collapsed. Needing a long-term solution that would last she decided to call Thrasher.

System Design Specialist Warren Peters went out to the home.  He was able to identify that one of the walls had completely collapsed and the other walls were showing signs of failure as well. We used a combination of PowerBraces with ShotLock to stabilize the walls. Kristina was super excited to know the foundation walls were completely stabilized and excited to continue on with the project.

Foundation Walls in Garland, NE Stabilized with C-Channels

Homeowner Yvonne L. had some major concern about the foundation walls in her basement. She noticed that the walls started to have major cracking and was worried about the foundation. Looking to maintain her home, she decided to give Thrasher a call.

Service Technician Deryk Heitman went out to Yvonne’s home. He saw that the walls were having major deflection and cracks. We fixed the problems by using C-Channels, which are mainly used on block walls or walls that are broken horizontally, to support the entire wall when necessary. The C-Channels were able to move the wall back into its original position and eliminate the shearing from getting worse. Yvonne was extremely happy with the end result and glad that her walls were now stable.

Foundation Repair in Guide Rock, NE

Kathy S. is a homeowner in Guide Rock, NE with a future of staying in this estate. However, the brick foundation of her home was deteriorating and beginning to fail. In order to protect her investment, she decided it was time to have it taken care of. Familiar with our reputation at Thrasher, she gave us a call to get the job done right.

 To begin the project, System Design Specialist Brandon Headrick arrived at the scene to inspect the failing foundation walls. After presenting a variety of solutions, the customer opted to have our ShotLock Restoration System installed to permanently fix the walls. This product utilizes our GeoLock Wall Anchors to stabilize both the external, and internal surfaces of the foundation.

 Kathy was more than pleased with the appearance of the restored foundation, and the display of professionalism from our teams throughout the duration of the project.

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