Foundation Repair Before & After Photos

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Structural Issues Solved in North Glenn, CO

This homeowner was selling his home, when it got flagged for inspection due to structural issues. He was unsure what the problem was, because all he had noticed were a few cracks in the walls. Knowing that he needed a professional opinion before he would be able to sell his house, he decided to give us a call.

We sent System Design Specialist Anthony Salcedo to inspect the homeowner's foundation and determine what was causing the wall cracks and the home to be flagged for structural issues, as well as to suggest solutions to make the home available for sale. Anthony found that the home had an internal support beam that was in great shape, however the supports underneath this were sinking into the earth, thus causing the structural issues. He knew that SmartJacks were needed to support the home's support beam, so he called an installation team out to install 5 SmartJacks in order to permanently support and stabilize the floor.

The homeowner was very happy with the work that was done and with how quickly the process moved. In fact, he already has a buyer for his home! Check out the newly supported support beam for this homeowner's home!

Sagging Floors Problem Fixed in Seneca, MO

These homeowners were struggling with severe sagging floors which were causing problems when they were renovating their home. When they decided to have something done about this, they gave us a call and we sent System Design Specialist Justice Haven. Justice inspected the homeowner's crawlspace as sagging floors are commonly a result of crawlspace problems, and he found that the crawlspace had a lot of water which had weakened support structures. He determined that this was due to the soil in the dirt crawlspace washing out and leaving moisture to cause problems with the structure. After discussing these problems with the homeowner, Justice designed a solution in which the crawlspace would be encapsulated and kept dry, as well as new support would be added to combat the sagging floors problem. One of our installation teams came out to this home and installed SmartJacks and supplemental support beams to reinforce and stabilize the flooring, then, they installed CleanSpace Vapor Barrier to encapsulate the crawlspace and keep it dry. The homeowners were very happy with the outcome and they were excited to have their renovation continue. Check out the newly supported crawlspace!

Severe Wall Failure Fixed in Denver, CO

This rental property owner needed to secure the foundation of the building he bought so that he could rent out the units. He looked into foundation repair companies in the Denver area, as he didn't know much about the area because he lived out of state, he came across our services and he gave us a call.

We sent System Design Specialist Anthony Salcedo to inspect the rental property's foundation and determine what would be best to help solve the foundation issues. When Anthony arrived, he was shocked at the amount of wall damage that had occurred. Anthony found that all of the walls had some degree of failure and lateral movement; Two of the walls were scoped out for full replacement because of how severe their degree failure was. After the thorough inspection, Anthony gave the homeowner a call to discuss what damage had occurred as well as what solutions we could offer to fix this problem. The rental property owner thought these solutions seemed the most thorough of all the solutions he had heard, so he decided to have our team fixed his foundation wall problems.

One of our installation teams went to fix the wall problems in the home shortly after the homeowner moved forward with our services. The team utilized GeoLock Earth Anchors on the two walls with less degrees of damage. After an engineer report surfaced from the rental property owner, our team was able to accommodate the other two severely failing walls by installing our EverBrace Wall System which acts as a new wall for stabilizing the property. The report also stated that new support posts were needed in the center support beam to have proper support, so our team also installed SmartJacks to stabilize the center support beam. 

After all this work was complete, the rental property owner was very relieved that he could start renovations for the rental properties to be rented out. Although this project was tough, our team was able to stabilize all of the walls and give the rental property owner a chance to renovate his property. Check out the wall transformation in this rental property! 

Floor and Wall Cracks Repaired in Lansing, KS

These homeowners flipped their older home and they were excited to start their future in this home. Shortly after they moved in, they began to notice that the garage floor was cracking and that their bathroom and bedroom had started to show wall cracks. They were very concerned about this problem, so they decided to give us a call to see what was happening in their forever home.

System Design Specialist Tom Studer drove out to this home to see what was causing the garage floor and the walls to crack. Tom found that the garage was falling down because there were large voids underneath the footing. He also found differential settlement happening along the garage wall that was affecting the other rooms with wall cracks as well. He discussed these problems with the homeowners, and how we could fix them, and the homeowners couldn't have been more eager to have these problems fixed. On of our installation crews went to the home and used a Push Pier System to lift and stabilize the garage from any further damage.

The homeowners were so excited to have their problem fixed, and they are relieved that their forever home is stable. Check out the push pier system in action, lifting and stabilizing the home and the garage!

Front Stoop Sinking Solved in Loveland, CO

These homeowners were concerned about their front stoop as well as their foundation. The knew this problem had gone on for years, however it seemed to be presenting more problem with their flowerbed now, so they wanted to get it fixed. They wanted an honest assessment and solution, so they gave us a call to check out their front stoop.

We sent System Design Specialist Rob Griffin to inspect the front stoop and determine what was causing the problems as well as suggest a custom solution for these homeowners. Rob found that the front stoop was sinking for years, and the problem was worsened because of watering the flowers. He determined that when the homeowners watered their flowers, the soil underneath the flower bed would shrink, allowing for the front stoop to sink. After showing these findings to the homeowner, Rob scheduled an installation appointment with them for custom solutions to fix their settling front stoop.

One of our installation teams came to this home and utilized 2 Helical Piers to lift and stabilize the front stoop. When they finished lifting the front stoop, they used NexusPro sealant to prevent water from getting through the concrete cracks and causing settlement again. The homeowners were so happy with their newly restored front stoop. Check out the lifted and front stoop!

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