Thrasher Foundation Repair Before & After Photos

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Waterproofing in Lincoln, NE

Our customers in Lincoln, NE would have large amounts of water in their basement every time they got large amounts of rain. With plans on selling their home in the future and not wanting to have to deal with the hassle of cleaning up water after every rainfall, they decided to call Thrasher to get their issues resolved. 

The crew came out and found they had a wall failure on one part of the basement creating the majority of their water problems, eventually, over time the pressure from the water could cause this wall to collapse. Our team decided to fix the problem areas with full-perimeter WaterGaurd and PowerBraces. WaterGaurd is an interior drainage system that drains any water getting into the basement to a sump pump and moves the water away from your home. Next, we used PowerBraces to support the falling wall, this is an I-beam that runs the full height of the foundation that is securely fastened to the concrete basement floor. Both of these systems installed now give support to the wall causing the water leakage and will drain other water points getting into the basement.

This customer no longer has to worry about a wet basement or a potential wall failure and can look to sell their home without these lingering issues around their home. 

Driveway Repair in Lincoln, NE

These homeowners originally called us out to look at cracking they had in the basement floor It was not problematic, but through the rest of the inspection System Design Specialist, Coley O'Halloran, discovered signs of street creep pushing on their foundation walls. The already had foundation issues caused by street creep, so when they found their new expansion joint had failed they knew it was something they needed to fix. Coley proposed we use our CompressionGuard to help this issue. It creates a true buffer from concrete expansion, giving long lasting results of foundation and concrete protection. To fix the issue of the cracking and sinking of the concrete from street creep, Coley proposed our Concrete Protection System. This bundles our Polylevel foam to fill voids underneath slabs and NexusPro which seals up all the joints and cracks. The homeowners loved this solution, and we sent out our installation team. There is no doubt these homeowners have the peace of mind they were looking for. Check out of the before and after of this project attached!

Crawl space Repair in South Bend, NE

This customer in South Bend, NE was noticing a musty odor in their home. Not knowing where it was coming from, they decided to take a look in their crawl space and noticed moisture causing this smell. They called Thrasher to see about getting rid of the water getting in the space and to protect their home from this happening again.

The team came out and found puddling water in spots in the crawl space causing high moisture levels which is why they were getting the odor in the home. We solved this by cleaning out the area and encapsulating the crawl space and sealing the area with a durable vapor barrier. This treatment totally separates and protects the crawl space from outdoor conditions, keeping the space clean and dry. 

Concrete Repair in Salina, KS

This customer in Salina, KS wanted to get his concrete repaired and protected to make his driveway look cleaner. After having a large truck drive on the driveway causing damage, he noticed sinking and many large cracks forming in spots on the concrete. Our crew inspected the driveway and decided the best way to help this customer was to use our NexusPro sealant on the driveway. Sealing and protecting the cracks and joints was important to not allow the cracks to spread into the garage or further down the driveway. NexusPro seals and protects the concrete for up to 20 years and gave this customer exactly what he was looking for. 

Concrete Repair in Omaha, NE

After previously using Thrasher for other projects, our customer in Omaha, NE wanted to repair her sidewalk leading up to the house. Dry-out spots of the soil underneath the concrete were causing the sidewalk to set and giving tripping concerns to this customer. Our team determined that using PolyLevel foam and NexusPro would be the best solution to solve her concerns. PolyLevel foam fills the void under the concrete and raises the sidewalk back to its original place. After the foam is in place the NexusPro seals and protects the joints not allowing water or any other chemicals under the concrete to cause the same issues in the future. Her sidewalk is now safe to walk on and protected for years to come. 

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